I am Having A Good Relationship With My Body.
badan kita itu tidak mau diajak kompromi .. Iya kaaan.. Pernah mengalami semisal
pada saat kita dituntut untuk beraktifitas dengan mobilitas tinggi ternyata
badan kita tidak kompromi malah bertentangan karena dia malas gerak aka mager..
Lalu pada saat kita berencana untuk tidak melakukan aktifitas dan ingin
mengistirahatkan badan yang artinya we are being kind to our body.. eh ternyata
badan kita malah merasa bahagia sehingga menstimulate otak untuk melakukan
aktifitas yang membahagiakan sehingga tujuan utama memberikan istirahat dari
segala bentuk aktifitas yang melelahkanpun tidak tercapai.. yang artinya kita
tetap bergerak kesana kemari dan tidak istirahat dengan bahagia.. Iya gak
Semisal saya
nih.. hari ini.. dengan sadar dan baik hati berniat untuk istirahat. Selain I
am being kind to my body as I am already pushed herself to the limit which has
caused fatigue over the last reckless days.. saya juga mau menyelesaikan
membaca buku yang engga kelar kelar…
kenyataan yang saya hadapi adalah later I find myself cooking, baking, arranging the food, cut some wild flowers
from outside, preparing the setting for taking pictures which means it really
takes times as I have to return all the properties back to its place
afterward.. which also means that is the way my body has a break and having me time.. Oh.. so where is the lying on the bed doing nothing but reading?
Mission is definitely not accomplished..
Sebetulnya mudah aja sih untuk bekerjasama dengan badan.. If you are doing something.. feel it.. If you feel comfort and easy.. You are in a good relationship with your body.. If your body stays good she will embrace you in its comfort even without your command.
Saya punya
kebiasaan setiap sebelum tidur I am always listening to music.. easy listening music
which gives you a feeling of comfort and ease before you fell asleep.. Tapi
kenyataannya kadang saya sudah tertidur duluan sebelum musik pengantar tidur
itu selesai.. atau bahkan saya sudah tertidur sebelum satu lagupun selesai..
atau bahkan saya sudah terlelap duluan padahal saya berniat mau mendengarkan
musik. Saya beranggapan itulah kebaikan yang diberikan badan saya .. she
embraces me in her comforts.. Thank you
body.. ;D
Tapi kadang
our body keeps telling us what to do.. in collaboration with the brain of
Misalnya Dalam
hal olahraga.. Dengan berjalannya waktu we can feel exactly what is the suitable work out too
keep us feeling fit and healthy. For me.. I prefer yoga and morning walk. I do
morning walk every day followed by yoga to relax the muscle after walking..
What I
learned is.. sometimes your body asking you to do more. Misalnya gini.. At the
time I do my morning walk.. Sometimes I still have to fight until the first 3
kilometers.. tapi setelah itu my body
asking me to walk more and more. She already becomes comfort with the activities.. So I walk to 5 kilometers.. and then to 6 kilometers and 7 and
sometimes to 8 if the weather conspires... Bukan hanya itu.. the body is also
telling when to stop and when to slow down..
Yang lucu
juga gini.. even your body can tell you what to eat. Pernah kan berada dalam situasi pertentangan ketika
you want to eat some comfort food and you let go your appetite but inside your
mind you know that you better not to eat that food.. then your body will give
an uncomfortable reaction. On the other hand, your body can also tell you if she needs warm
food, light food or even when in need of detoxification.
To have all
those support and cooperation from the body you really have to be in a good
relationship with her. . You have to listen to your body and make sure
you are not forgetting the most essential ingredient.. that is love. You have to
love your body.. as the quotes say.. It’s the only place you have to live..
What I am
telling here is just my two cents.. My compulsive writing.. and my self pride that I am
having a good relationship with my body.
5.50 pm//
Ps: Actually
I just want to write that today I am planning to do nothing but ended with
cooking, baking, snap some photos and everything that follows.
Makanan di
foto ini adalah makan siang saya berupa kentang dan edamame yang direbus
sebentar kemudian dipanggang pake butter, garlic, himalayan salt, pepper dan
chilli flakes.. Ditambah baked whole wheat bread dan boiled egg..
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