Here I Go Again,. (We Are Moving..)

Here I go again..

Just like the quotes say..

“Settling into a new country is like getting used to a new pair of shoes. 
At first they pinch a little, but you like the way they look, so you carry on. 
The longer you have them, the more comfortable they become. Until one day without realizing it you reach a glorious plateau. Wearing those shoes is like wearing no shoes at all. The more scuffed they get, the more you love them and the more you can't imagine life without them.” 
― Tahir ShahIn Arabian Nights: A Caravan of Moroccan Dreams

Yes.. we are moving..
Just like so many times before.
You have gone through it and now you will do another one.
What is life without changing anyway.. 
You just need to hang on there.. 
And you'll see life is getting more beautiful each day.. 


Masih di Semarang 1/8/2017


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