Menonton Before Sunset

Sebetulnya saya telat banget kalau mau ngomongin soal film Before Sunset. Tapi mungkin juga ini yang namanya Just In Time.. seperti judul lagunya Nina Simone yang ada diending film itu.

Awalnya saya membaca catatan perjalanan yang dipublish The Jakarta Post tentang Shakespeare and Companies, Sebuah toko buku terkenal di Kota Paris. Penulisnya menjadikan toko buku itu sebagai a must-visit setelah menonton film Before Sunset. Lalu saya jadi ikut penasaran  sambil juga mencatatnya dibuku catatan saya dengan penuh perasaan. Kemudian setelah itu saya jadi tersadar tentang film Before Sunset yang merupakan sequel dari Before Sunrise yang pernah saya tonton dulu.

Dan tanpa menunggu lama saya pun akhirnya menonton film itu.. Langsung nonton 2 kali.. Kebetulan kemarin-kemarin itu saya sedang dapet priviledge untuk diem dirumah tidak pergi kemana-mana due to my bad flu.. Biasanya kalau lagi dapet priviledge gini saya suka gragasan,, baca, nonton. baca., nonton, main komputer.. Filmnya so beautiful sehingga saya sampe perlu dua kali berturut-turut nontonnya. Sampe dialoguenya betul betul dicerna. Memang film ini kekuatannya kan di dialogue yang berisi yang bisa mengcapture semua kisah unfinished romance yang dialami dua tokohnya Jesse (Ethan Hawke) dan Celine (Julie Delpy) dalam rentang waktu 9 tahun sejak awal pertemuannya di Vienna..

Sebagai anak sastra saya jadi semangat pengen ngebahas film ini. Karena kekuatan dialoguenya sungguh luar biasa indah. dan meaningful dilakukan sambil berjalan.. Jadi di film ini adegannya hanya walking and talking... You just have to pay attention to the conversation and you can feel exactly what happen between the two. The feeling about running out of time while they still want to say so many things unspoken before. About searching and hoping until they intersect in the same path at Paris nine years after their last failed appointment. This is so sweet..

Seperti yang saya baca: The film is notable for essentially taking place in real time. The time elapse in the story is the runtime of the film." Keren kan.. Terjadi dalam tenggang waktu yang real time.. artinya waktu yang digambarkan dalam cerita itu adalah waktu berjalan dalam film yang diputar.

Ending film ini juga bagus sekali.. Banyak yang terkesan..
"Baby.. you are gonna missed that plane." Jesse smiles and says , "I know,"

Phrase "Baby you're gonna miss that plane" juga menjadi phrase favorit para pecinta film ini. The Gurdian malah mengatakan bahwa ending Before Sunset adalah "one of the most tantalizing and ingenious ending of all cinema."

Coba aja liat ekspresinya Jesse while he is saying it.. #meleleh

Banyak dialogue yang manjadi favorit saya. Diantaranya..

Jesse: You want to know why I wrote that stupid book?
Celine: Why?
Jesse: So that you might come to a reading in Paris and I could walk up to you and ask, "Where the fuck were you?"
Celine: [laughing] No - you thought I'd be here today?
Jesse: I'm serious. I think I wrote it, in a way, to try to find you.
Celine: Okay, that's– I know that's not true, but that's sweet of you to say.
Jesse: I think it is true. What do you think were the chances of us ever meeting again?

Jesse: You know, I think that book that I wrote, in a way, was like building something.
Jesse: So that I wouldn't forget the... details of the time that we spent together. You know, like just a reminder that... that once we really did meet! You know, that this was real! That this happened!

And the song is also nice:

[Celine's Song] Let me sing you a waltz / Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts / Let me sing you a waltz / About this one night stand / You were, for me, that night / Everything I always dreamt of in life / But now you're gone / You are far gone / All the way to your island of rain / It was for you just a one night thing / But you were much more to me, just so you know / I don't care what they say / I know what you meant for me that day / I just want another try, I just want another night / Even if it doesn't seem quite right / You meant for me much more than anyone I've met before / One single night with you, little Jesse, is worth a thousand with anybody / I have no bitterness, my sweet / I'll never forget this one night thing / Even tomorrow in other arms, my heart will stay yours until I die / Let me sing you a waltz / Out of nowhere, out of my blues / Let me sing you a waltz / About this lovely one night stand.

Last note: Film ini indah.. Indah banget malahan.. #baper

What if you had a second chance with the one that got away?

Selesai menulis ini saya baru mau menonton Before Midnight. Sengaja mendahulukan menulis ini in case I have a different prespective after seeing the next sequel of the Before Trilogy.

 Semarang, 11/14/2016
Malamnya Supermoon.

prespective after seeing the next sequel of the Before Trilogy.

In my bucket list..

Image is taken from Google.


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